Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Orange Beanie

Things were up and down for the boy in the weeks leading up to his departure.

But he wasn't the first one to leave the Festival State.

Her great friend fuzzy was leaving first and there was a departure trip organized for her to Victor harbor.

The boys took his car and the girls took hers and they were off to do a spot of whale spotting.

The day was uneventful for the most part, the girl ensuring that distance was kept. Making sure friends were always between them so that no conversation could be had.

The boy was not fazed, watching from his obligatory 100 paces as she photographed the world from her private space.

Then it started to rain, in the middle of a walk, and the group took shelter under a large tree (!) .

The silence wore thin and sick of merely watching and waiting he sang a show tune, feeling suddenly free.

Comically with a mix of embarrassment and mute resentment the public watched his little performance.

Then another stranger started singing along and the ice was truely smashed...

The rain stopped and some applauded whilst others moved on, and the boy went back to his loft perch. Content to watch the pretty thing play photographer.

On the way home they swopped cars much to the amusement of the group.

A silently announcement to their friends, yes we're panning on taking a trip together...

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