Tuesday, July 21, 2009

this time last year, she freaked out again - by her

Again, this is a story about their journey. In my opinion, a beautiful journey painted with many colours.

He came to her and gave her a card, ' you are cordially invited to go on a road trip to the beautiful city of Melbourne'... Together with it was a folder containing a stack of maps and directories, which she thought was very impressive.

He opened the folder, pulled out the maps and started telling her the itinerary. She did not give her full attention to the very comprehensive explanation at all. Infact what she was thinking is, 'Am I really going????'

And the next day (the night before the trip), she freaked out again. She did not know if it was a good idea to go on a road trip with him because she did not want to send out the vibe to him.

So again they had a very long conversation on the phone... Admittedly he said this time it was his turn to want to run away from this. It had been a very daunting journey for him as he tried to get close to this girl who had a heart as cold as ice. She said yes, then she said no, then she said yes again, and she said no again...clearly she was not the only one who feared, her instability freaked him out too. He too wanted to run away from this. Too much hurt in the past. His heart could not afford another bruise.

He was ready to abandon the road trip, and just drive by himself.

She said 'give me some time, please. Don't run away. I can't love you yet, but when I reach the threshold, I can love you with all my heart. Stay a lil longer.'

His heart was softened...once again. He waited for her.

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